Overview of Responsibilities

  • Ten (10) hours of continuing education are required with each renewal application.
  • Twelve (12) hours of continuing education are required for qualified PTs seeking to provide Direct Access.
  • Licensees who are recent graduates, renewing for the first time, must only submit two (2) hours of Alabama Jurisprudence continuing education with their first renewal.
  • Licensees licensed by endorsement must submit two (2) hours of Alabama Jurisprudence continuing education and an additional eight (8) hours of continuing education (10 hours total) with their first renewal.
  • Continuing education certificates must be uploaded with your renewal application.
  • Continuing education certificates must clearly show the course date of completion; times of instruction or activity (contact hours); objectives/goals; and identify the target audience or describe the prerequisite level of experience needed. Courses must be conducted by experts in the subject matter (either by education, training, or experience).

Course Providers

Please be advised that pre-approval for courses offered is not required. We will honor any coursework relevant to the practice of physical therapy.


It is your professional judgment, to determine if the continuing education activities completed are applicable, appropriate, and meet the requirements of the Board. All continuing education offerings, regardless of source will be accepted provided that it is directly related to the licensee’s practice of physical therapy and meets the GENERAL GUIDELINES.

Alabama Jurisprudence

Two (2) hours of Alabama Physical Therapy jurisprudence, covering both the Practice Act and the Administrative Code, are required for those licensed in the previous calendar year. General physical therapy ethics courses may apply to the additional 8 hours of continuing education (if required). After your initial renewal, two (2) hours of jurisprudence covering Alabama’s Practice Act and the Administrative Code will be required in years that end in “0” or “5” (2025, 2030, 2035, etc.). Listed below are some known Alabama jurisprudence providers that are accepted, but this list is not all-inclusive. You may choose the provider of your choice as long as the course meets the Alabama jurisprudence requirements: